Monthly Archive:: October 2012
If your database references other databases, you’ll need a *.dacpac file for each external database referenced in your code. For example, if you reference AdventureWorksDW2008 from Adventureworks2008, you’ll need to add that as a database reference.
To set the properties for your SQL Project, right-click the Project and select Properties. You’ll see a window containing several tabs to define your project. Project Settings Here you can set your normal target platform (SQL
To Import From an Existing Database Import Database into your project by right-clicking the project name or selecting the Project Menu and selecting the Import -> Database option. Note that you can also import from SQL Scripts
Download the latest SSDT package if you do not have the product installed already: To create a new SQL Project, you can either start by creating a new Project or create a new project from
What Are SQL Projects and why use them? SQL Server has always been lacking in a good solution to control versions of your database. We make changes directly to the database and if we’re good, we remember