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Quickly execute a folder of SQL scripts using dbatools and PowerShell
I have often run into a situation where it’s been necessary to execute a bunch of scripts handed to me by developers or others. When there are only a couple of scripts to run, it’s not a
Putting The PowerShell Window Title To Better Use |
I’ll admit that I typically use VSCode for most of my scripting, but Milosh Djuric put together some neat PS to make the console window title more useful, including some code to show a progress meter. I
How SQL Server Professionals can benefit from using version control – Kevin Chant
Posted by paschott in Uncategorized On February 19, 2020
Kevin has a great read on why Database people should use version control. It’s really easy to just keep files in e-mails, random folders, and maybe even snippets for tools, but those can quickly get out of
Checking and Configuring File Autogrowth for SQL Server
One thing that I seem to come across often enough is the old auto-growth settings from SQL Server. 1MB for data files, 10% for logs. This was a horrible default and is now adjusted to be a
Importing Registered Servers from SSMS into Azure Data Studio – Port 1433
Drew Furgiuele came up with a PS script to import your SSMS Registered Servers into Azure Data Studio. He wrote it up in much more detail here: Importing Registered Servers from SSMS into Azure Data Studio –
Sharing: Feature Restrictions in SQL Server 2019 – a warning
Solomon Rutzky posted some thoughts on the new “Feature Restrictions” in SQL Server 2019, which some have said might help with SQL Injection. He writes up a lot of details about what Feature Restrictions were intended to
SQL Login Failures and Azure SQL
We ran into an issue recently with a large number of SQL Login failures triggering an alert for our sysadmins. This was in one of our Azure SQL databases so the usual tools to troubleshoot alerts don’t
Analyzing Slack Traffic with PowerBI
The other day in the SQL Community Slack channels, we started chatting about general usage of Slack – which channels saw the most activity, what topics were discussed, and so on. One thing led to another and
Automating File Processing with Python and SQL Server
Garry Bargsley ( b | t ) asks us this month what does “Automate all the things” mean to you. After all, if we have to do something over and over, it only makes sense to automate
Send Meaningful Errors for SSIS Packages
Recently, Kevin Hill (b | t ) posted on getting package errors from the SSIS catalog in a single query as opposed to clicking through the SSIS Reports and digging through pages. I took that and ran