TSQL Archive
BCP for Flat File ETL
Brent Ozar is hosting today’s #TSQL2sday about the most recent issue you closed. Working with a consulting firm for a variety of clients, I tend to come across all sorts of issues. The most common one is
Calendar / Date Tables – An Introduction
What is a Calendar or Date table? Maybe you’ve worked with data warehouses before, in which case the concept of a “Date Dimension” is going to be familiar. If not, the general idea behind a Calendar or
SSIS Catalog (SSISDB) Cleanup – Revisited
I wrote about cleaning up the SSIS Catalog a while back, but needed to revisit this recently for a different use and needed something that can run in an ongoing manner. My earlier post still works, but
Checking and Configuring File Autogrowth for SQL Server
One thing that I seem to come across often enough is the old auto-growth settings from SQL Server. 1MB for data files, 10% for logs. This was a horrible default and is now adjusted to be a
TSQL: OUTPUT Columns Not In Target Table
One of the challenges I’ve run into regularly throughout my years trying to convert data from one system to another is that we have a set of old data, often with its own key values. That data
TSQL Tuesday: “Disabling” Triggers Without ALTERs
I’ve worked with my share of Triggers over the years. Most of the time, they were relatively simple affairs – do a simple update to a date if a row changed or track some basic audits somewhere.