PowerShell Archive

BCP and PowerShell

Sometimes you need to extract a large number of tables into some other format. I’ve written about BCP earlier as a quick option to move data around, but what if you need a delimited text file or

Azure SQL Database – Get users and role members for all databases

I ran into a concern to quickly audit all current users and role members for a set of Azure SQL databases, spread across multiple resource groups. Without an easy CMS concept or a way to quickly loop

Creating and Setting SQL Server Certificates with PowerShell

I recently had a need to add certificates to SQL Servers throughout an organization. There were quite a few servers to update and the certificates would need to be generated using a given format. This would include

Using PowerShell to restore Missing Windows Installer cache items

This seems oddly specific, but someone or something had cleared out many files from the Windows\Installer folder, probably to save space. (Sidenote, you can actually create a mount point for these that go on another drive as

Quickly execute a folder of SQL scripts using dbatools and PowerShell

I have often run into a situation where it’s been necessary to execute a bunch of scripts handed to me by developers or others. When there are only a couple of scripts to run, it’s not a

Putting The PowerShell Window Title To Better Use | xkln.net

I’ll admit that I typically use VSCode for most of my scripting, but Milosh Djuric put together some neat PS to make the console window title more useful, including some code to show a progress meter. I

Importing Registered Servers from SSMS into Azure Data Studio – Port 1433

Drew Furgiuele came up with a PS script to import your SSMS Registered Servers into Azure Data Studio. He wrote it up in much more detail here: Importing Registered Servers from SSMS into Azure Data Studio –

Powershell: Writing Text Files

I was recently trying to generate a bunch of data that I needed to pass through one of our in-house DLLs in order to use some custom encryption algorithms. Thanks to the wonderful Powershell community, I found

Powershell Links – 2010-03-06

Here are some of the more interesting Powershell links I came across recently, along with some thoughts about them. Powershell, String Encryption, and GPG – SQLServerCentral.com brought this one to my attention. Chad Miller discusses working with

Powershell Community Extensions

While with the time and knowledge we can write a lot of the things we’ll use in Powershell, it’s often not worth it to re-invent the wheel. There’s a group of Powershell coders who have put together