DBA Archive
BCP and PowerShell
Sometimes you need to extract a large number of tables into some other format. I’ve written about BCP earlier as a quick option to move data around, but what if you need a delimited text file or
Using PowerShell to restore Missing Windows Installer cache items
This seems oddly specific, but someone or something had cleared out many files from the Windows\Installer folder, probably to save space. (Sidenote, you can actually create a mount point for these that go on another drive as
Quickly execute a folder of SQL scripts using dbatools and PowerShell
I have often run into a situation where it’s been necessary to execute a bunch of scripts handed to me by developers or others. When there are only a couple of scripts to run, it’s not a
Checking and Configuring File Autogrowth for SQL Server
One thing that I seem to come across often enough is the old auto-growth settings from SQL Server. 1MB for data files, 10% for logs. This was a horrible default and is now adjusted to be a
Send Meaningful Errors for SSIS Packages
Recently, Kevin Hill (b | t ) posted on getting package errors from the SSIS catalog in a single query as opposed to clicking through the SSIS Reports and digging through pages. I took that and ran
Long-Running Queries and Extended Events
This has been something I’ve wanted to investigate for a while now. I’ve know you could use Profiler and set up server-side traces to capture long-running events, but was curious how to do the same with Extended